The concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has brought both positive and negative news for the small businesses. Enabling employees to carry out their organization tasks or operations using their personal mobile devices helps small businesses save a lot of money in device and carrier planning costs. But personal mobile devices have become one of the biggest security threats for the SMBs.
In such scenario, before you plan out your SAP enterprise mobility solutions and mobile device management strategy, it is must that you keep in mind that security threats are not just limited to the external hackers. Your own employee can pose a greater security threat to your organization. While taking risks are a reality of business owner’s life, failing to utilize them in a best possible way could impose a bigger risk. Therefore, you should definitely take a few basic steps in order to help you improve your BYOD mobile security.
Here’re the mobile security best practices that every business owner should follow to improve the security of their organization:
1. Ensure you disconnect employees once they leave office premises.
It is essential that you keep control on the amount and type of data being accessed by the employees can access. Employees should not have access to more data apart what they actually need to complete their tasks. Also, ensure that you have enough resources that disconnect or wipe the company data from the personal devices of the employee once they leave the company premises.
2. Implement security basics
Ensure you deploy antivirus and malware solutions across all the mobile devices used within an organization. If you feel your employees can’t spare to update the software, then automate the process so that you can know the security software is up to date on all the mobile devices.
3. Utilize built-in security controls within the mobile device.
Most of all the mobile devices have some built-in security controls, such as lock screens and the ability to wipe the device after a specific number of failed authentication efforts. Try to utilize such inbuilt security features of the mobile devices as such tools can help you provide some security until you adopt more robust and advanced BYOD technologies.
4. Utilize MDM solutions
Make sure you choose the mobile device management system that provide seamless support to all the mobile platforms including Android, iPhone, BlackBerry and more. It will help you get rid of managing multiple systems. Try to search for the system that offers management console as it will enable you to manage all the mobile devices from one point. However, make sure you also look for the other features offered by the MDM solutions.
5. Protect your data rather than the mobile devices
Many organizations who have implemented SAP enterprise mobility solutions often try to safeguard the mobile devices rather than focusing on the security of the mobile devices. However, it is must that organizations should focus more on protecting data rather than protecting devices.
Following these simple ways will help you improve BYOD mobile security for your small business. Do you have any questions or suggestions about this post? Share it in comments…!